Recent Works
Exploring new forms of storytelling, these works of fiction reflect my journey from academic research to independent creative writing. Stay tuned for more updates as I venture into the world of poetry and novels.
- Upcoming works will explore fiction in Portuguese. More details to come soon
Academic Publications
My academic research focused on archaeological theory, historical analysis, and cultural studies. These works represent my contributions to scholarly discussions on these subjects, offering critical insights into ancient societies and heritage preservation.
My monographs delve into complex archaeological themes, presenting original research on Bronze Age hoards and cultural interpretation through material findings.
In these articles, I explore various aspects of archaeology, societal structures, and interpretive theory, contributing to international and interdisciplinary academic debates.
- de Medeiros, J. E. M. (2023) HIerarquia e sentido: Um ensaio sobre expressões emfáticas em enterramentos no caso das estelas daunias in: Ferreira, Noberto O. (org.) Desigualdades passadas e presentes. Estudos sobre as Desigualdades em perspectiva diacrônica, 1. ed., Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, p. 31-60.
- de Medeiros, J. E. M. (2023) Die Kritik an der Subjektlogik und ihre Auswirkung auf die Interpretation von Hortfunden der Spätbronze- und Früheisenzeit, in: Renger, M., Rotermund, S. M. Schreiber, S., Veling, A. Theorie | Archäologie | Reflexion Kontroversen und Ansätze im deutschsprachigen Diskurs. Heidelberg: Propylaeum, S. 293-333.
- de Medeiros, J. E. M. (2018) Os desafios da educação patrimonial à altura do nosso tempo. In: Campos, J. B.; Rodrigues, M. H. S. G.; Santos, M. C. P. (Org.). Patrimônio cultural, direito e meio ambiente: Educação Patrimonial e Ambiental. 1ed., Curitiba: Multideia, 2018, v. 3., 19-43.
- de Medeiros, J. E. M. (2016) O pensamento, as sociedades e a cultura: Uma apologia da cultura e do humano, tendo como exemplo o Portable Antiquities Scheme do Reino Unido. In: Campos, J. B.; Preve, D. R.; Souza I. F. de. (Org.). Patrimônio cultural, direito e meio ambiente: perspectivas sobre diversidades, cultura e memória. 1ed., Curitiba: Multideia, 2016, v. 2, p. 173-189.
These seminars were opportunities for me to share my research and engage with academic peers, students on topics ranging from Late Bronze Age hoards to heritage education.
- 27 Set. 2021 to 08 Oct. 2021 O Portable Antiquities Scheme do British Museum: proteção do patrimônio e o uso da tecnologia na arqueologia. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói Brazil
Over the years, I’ve been invited to deliver lectures on a variety of archaeological and theoretical topics, sharing my work with students and fellow researchers across institutions topics ranging from Late Bronze Age hoards to heritage education.
- 10 Oct. 2023 Símbolos, ideologia e processo formativo: Uma reflexão sobre estruturas de interpre- tação / Symbols, ideology and the formative pro- cess: A reflection on structures of interpretation. The Iberian Stelae of the Final Bronze Age: Iconography, Technology and the Transfer of Knowledge between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg Germany. International Project Workshop and Conference 10-11 Oct 2023
- 24-28 Apr. 2023 Entre contato e isolamento: Uma reflexão sobre o emaranhamento cultural no caso das estelas Daunias Seminário discente: Representações e espaços no Mediterrâneo antigo. NEREIDA - PPGH - UFF
- 02 Mar. 2023 Une interprétation des dépôts de parures de l’Âge du Bronze Final en France * An interpretation of the ornament hoards of the Late Bronze Age in France , Paris, Musée d’Archéologie nationale, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Parures réincarnées Les ornements corporels pour révéler les identités et les mobilités aux âges des Métaux. International workshop organized in the framework of the 3rd Prize for archaeology Joseph Déchelette and by APRAB.
- 07 Jun. 2022 The historico-genetic foundation of ethnographic comparisons and an example from the analysis of Late Bronze Age ornament hoards in France , WAC-9 Prag, Session Ethnoarchaeology and Later European Prehistory – Venturing the Ridge between Hypothesis, Plausibility, and Evidence.
- 13 Jan. 2021 Die Auswirkung der historisch-genetischen Theorie des Freiburger Soziologen Günter Dux auf die archäologische Interpretation: Ein Beispiel aus der Spätbronzezeit. Institut für Soziologie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg Germany Part of undergraduate lecture: Einführung in die empirische Sozialforschung (en. Introduction to empirical social research) coordinated by Dr. Dominique Schirmer
- 01 Dec. 2020 Religiosidade a partir de uma perspectiva arqueológica: Um exemplo da Idade do Bronze Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Part of class “European Prehistory” coordinated by Prof. Dr. Adriene Baron Tacla
- 18 Set. 2020 Uma interpretação dos depósitos de joias da Idade do Bronze Final na França. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil IV Cycle of Lectures of Postdoctoral Research Group in Ancient History NEREIDA-UFF
Language Courses Taught
During my teaching activities, I instructed university students in Portuguese language courses, blending academic rigor with practical language acquisition skills.
Jul 2020 - Jul 2021
Portuguese I, II & III
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg Germany
SprachLehrInstitut & Zentrum für Schlüsselqualifikation
Taught up to three different levels of Portuguese language classes each semester, focusing on linguistic development and cultural context.